Friday 26 October 2012

Dentist visit to 3.1!

Wow what fun we had when the oral hygiene service came to visit year 3. First we had an interesting powerpoint presentation followed by a practical session.

We were taught how to brush our teeth by a very unusuual guest

Then we learnt how to clean our teeth carefully,

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Isca Roman walls.

On a damp and foggy Tuesday, 3.1 walked to discover the Roman walls built over 2000 years ago by the Romans.
We walked over the River Exe;

Then over bumpy cobbles;
To find the impressive Roman Walls

We worked hard to sketch what we saw;
We examined closely the wall;

We came home tired but happy to have been out and seeing the evidence of Roman life in Isca.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Local sensory walk

It was a beautiful sunny day in Exeter, so we decided to take a sensory walk. We looked, listened, smelt and touced our way around the local area and became inspired to write!