Friday, 16 March 2012

An Update!

We have been very busy in 3/2 recently.

The week before last we celebrated World Book Day by all dressing up as our favourite story book characters. Then we went down to our partner year R class to share books with them and play games outside.

Last week was our class assembly. We decided to do a sharing assembly to celebrate all of the work we have been doing in class. Our assembly involved us doing a play of Hansel and Gretel, we showed three parts of the story. We also created a human number line to show the work we had been doing on addition and subtraction using a numbr line. We had a mad and sane scientist sketch showing what we'd learnt about growing a healthy plant. We played two tunes on recorders. We also showed some pictures on a slideshow of other stuff we had been doing in class!

Please look at our accounts below of what we did in the assembly and what we thought about it!

Our Class Assembly - RS

Our class decided that for our assembly we would do a play on Hansel and Gretel. We had been studying this in our literacy lesson. I was chosen to be Hansel. I felt very happy to be given this part but I was also nervous because I had never been on the stage before and was a little bit concerned about having to act in front of the whole school.

I had several sentences to learn and I found this quite easy. I also had to drop breadcrumbs ( I used white paper) and I really enjoyed this part. It was a lot a things to remember. The more we practised I got better and better and I felt confident that I would be able to do do everything on the day. We laughed a lot and it was fun.

On the day I felt good. My mother was coming to watch it. It all went well. The audience all seemed to be enjoying it and the parents all clapped at the end. It was great fun.

Our Class Assembly - CJ

Our class teachers decided that we would do the story of Hansel and Gretel as part of our assembly. I played the wicked witch. I felt excited because I enjoy being someone who is evil. We had loads and loads of practice. We had to make sure that are voices were loud enough.

Our Class Assembly - LA

I was a number 5 in the numberline we showed to help teach people what we had been learning about in numeracy.
I also played 2 tunes on my recorder.
At first I was very nerves but in the end I felt fine.
It was very fun I enjoyed it a lot I did it in the morning
and in the afternoon.
I hade butterflys in my tummy.I whish I could do it again.

Our Class Assembly - TA

We decided we were going to do a Hansel and Gretel play for a little treat and for the children in our school and for our family,parents.In our class assembly I was in the number line my number was number 6 and number 45.First of all I felt a bit scard to go on the stage when my mum was staring at me like she could not blink but then I was okay.I did not feel nervous in the end.

Our Class Assembly - JT

In our class assembly we had a human number line.
I was in the human number line. I was number 7 in the human number line. We had a marker who was eating a carrot and who was a rabbit! The marker was a good jumper!
I played the recorder as well. We played Hot cross buns and Indian warrior. I said
What we were going to play.

Our Class Assembly - CP

In our class assembly we had four things to do. One of them was the play it was Hansel and Gretel the second one was the number line i was a bunny marker for the human number line. We used the human number line to show everyone what we had learnt about number lines.

Our Class Assembly - AT

I played the Recorder. We played Hot cross buns and Indian warrior and they go like this B A G B A G G G G G A A A A B A G and the second one goes like this B B B A G E E G E E B B B A G E E G E E EB EB EA EE.I also held up the number three in our human was really fun. I ingoed our class assembly.

Our Class Assembly - TG

I was the step-mother with a blonde wig on my head I said "we nearly have enough food to go round so there’s only one thing for it early tomorrow morning we will take them deep into the forest they’ll never find there way home" the father then said "No I can not bear to leave my children". I replied "Then we’ll all have to starve".
I was also in the human number line I was number 0 and 30. The narrator asked "what’s 50 – 20? using a number line we can jump back in 10 what is the answer?" and our marker jumped down the number line to show us the answer.

Our Class Assembly - RP

I felt shy when I was doing the play of Hansel and Gretel because I kept seeing my mum. I was doing the narrator the hardest part of being the Narrator is keeping up with whats happening in the play.

Our Class Assembly - CS

In the class assembly I was a mad scientist. I felt very nervous.
I had to mess every thing up with growing a plant.
Every one found me funny.
It was really funny when my assistant popped his gloves. you should have seen him laughing. it sounded like a monkey.
I hope you like how I described our class assembly

Our Class Assembly - ZK

In our class assembly I was Gretel from the story of Hansel and Gretel which we showed three scences of. When the class said loyal I had to hold my friends hand. In the number line my number was 8 and 50.
I also played the recorder I have been learning recorders in year 3.

Our Class Assembly - SG

In the class assembly I was a narrator for the story of Hansel and Gretel which we have been learning about in Literacy.
I felt nervous at the start but felt happier near the end. Our assembly was about what we have been doing in class.

Our Class Assembly - EC

In our class assembly I played a mad scientist apprentice. I was learning how to grow a healthy plant. We have been learning this in Science.
What you need to grow a healthy plant is: a pot, soil, seed, sunlight and water. You place the seed into the pot of soil then you place the pot on window ledge to get plenty of sunlight. Remember to water it regularly.

Our Class Assembly - CH

In our class Assembly I was the evil Step Mother from the story of Hansel and Gretel. I felt happy.

our Class Assembly - LC

In our assembly I felt shy when I did the play because my family where there but in the end I felt better .
In the play of Hansel and Gretel we did, I was the father and in group2, because we had three different groups showing parts of Hansel and Gretel.

Our Class Assembly - EA

In are class assembly I was Gretel in the Hansel and Gretel book. I was happy to have this part because I think she is nice. I was quite nervous as I knew there would be loads of people there.
We had to practise a lot. I had lots of fun doing it.

Our Class Assembly - SJ

In our class assembly I was Gretel from the story of Hansel and Gretel. I was happy to have this part as she was my favourite character. I also played the recorder. I played two tunes.
We practised loads of times. I had to learn my lines but this was easy as I didn’t have too much to say. My perents were pleased.

Our Class Assembly - EK

Hi everyone

In our class assembly when we did are show I was Hansel. When the class said loyal I had to hold my friends hand. In the number line that we created to show off our numeracy work my number was the number 10 we were learning how to use number lines in Numeracy. I was also one of the narrators introducing the mad scientists sketch.

Our Class Assembly - RC

Hi viewer
We have been performing our class assembly recently. I was in our play of Hansel and Gretel, I played Hansel. I was also doing the prayer. When I first performed it in front of ks1 I was nervous but I soon got more confident.
Thank you for looking at our work and our blog.

Our Class Assembly - BR

In our class assembly I was the father out of the story of Hansel and Gretel which was one of the parts of our class assembly. I felt shy because there was lots of people looking at me.