Friday 15 February 2013

Fairy tale mash-up......3.1 style!

'Showtime' came to Bowhill today as 3.1 presented their fairy tale mash up. We had the cutest little pigs we could find;

Some great scene introducers;
A scary wolf who thought little Red Riding Hood would make a tasty tea:
The technicians were essential for the show running smoothly;
Some sellers sold their products to some little piggies;
The dancers raised the roof and were fantastic;
Over 80 members of the wider 3.1 family came to watch their little stars perform. 

3.1 ; you were great and we hope you enjoyed the experience. All the adults are very proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves!

Enjoy your week of holiday.

P.S. We hope to add video footage of the show .

Breaking news... the video is here. 


  1. Well done to everyone in 3/1 Everyone in the audience was impressed - I particularly enjoyed the dancing! Well done everyone, enjoy your half term holiday

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it. Next time, we will get the audience to dance too!

  2. Wow, what a great assembly. It looked as if everyone really enjoyed themselves dancing and performing. Very impressive.

    1. We certainly enjoyed ourselves.....year 3 style!

  3. Thank you for putting up this video. My Mum could not make it on the day, she very much enjoyed watching. Loved the 'extreme close up'

    1. I'm sure your Mum enjoyed it via video. Mr. Wardknott can take all the credits for the close-up work, he was our chief video man!
